I often have to stop and remind myself just how far this journey has taken me. For the past two years, I’ve been dedicated to building my dream career as a destination wedding makeup artist, specializing in Italian weddings. What started as a vision has grown into a reality that exceeded my wildest dreams.
In 2024, I took the leap into the enchanting world of Italian destination weddings and had the honor of working with 8 beautiful couples across some of Italy’s most breathtaking locations. This dream began to unfold after a girls’ trip to Italy—my third time visiting this stunning country. I fell even deeper in love with its timeless beauty, warm culture, and vibrant energy.
From the rolling Tuscan hills and historic villas to the sparkling shores of the Amalfi Coast, Italy feels like it was made for romance. I knew I couldn’t resist returning every year to immerse myself in the magic, so I came back to Australia and started connecting with Italian wedding vendors and venues. I reached out to planners, photographers, and venues with laser-focused determination to position myself as a trusted makeup artist for destination weddings in Italy.
Italy truly is the ultimate wedding destination. Couples have endless options: intimate Tuscan villas surrounded by vineyards, the breathtaking lakes of Como or Garda, and dramatic coastal locations like Amalfi, Capri, and Puglia. Planning a wedding in Italy is undoubtedly an adventure, but with so many talented local and international vendors at your fingertips, the process is more accessible than ever. And of course, why not turn your wedding into the trip of a lifetime by combining it with a honeymoon?
As 2025 unfolds, I am overjoyed to share that my schedule is busier than ever, with 18 Italian destination weddings already booked and new inquiries coming in daily. This year, I’ll be traveling across Italy once again, helping couples create their dream wedding looks in some of the most magical places on earth.
Looking ahead, I’m manifesting an even bigger vision for 2026: expanding my destination wedding services to France and beyond.
Photo Courtesy of @a.c.fotografia_wedding
Location @victoriasbyronbay
Model @aliyahluman
Dress @pearlbridalgoldcoast
HMUA by me @byronbaymakeupco